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This good character is a heroine.

Cleo Dugan is a character created by Tucker. She appeared in the episode "The Tale of the Guardian's Curse".


Cleo and her brother Josh were raised by their father Professor James Dugan. Her mom passed away when she and her brother were very young. So her dad was raising them all by himself. Their dad: a brilliant archaeologist and Egyptologist tried to be a good father. But he was always very wrapped up in his work.

She and her family were about to go on their ski trip vacation. Then at the last minute, her father's colleague Dr. Capel-Smith contacted him. The news was that a crew had finally found the sarcophagus of Mina the Guardian. The sarcophagus had been stolen by thieves in the 1920s and was hidden inside the basement of an old building.

Not being able to pass up this opportunity, her father cancelled their vacation to stay home and study the sarcophagus and the mummified remains of Mina the Guardian, which was sealed up inside. This really disappointed she and her brother. Since once again something had come up at the last minute. So once again, their vacation was cancelled.

Her dad and Dr. Capel-Smith explained to she and her brother that Mina was said to be an ancient Egyptian Goddess, and she used her Ring of Eternity to bring forth life from the earth every spring. Also that as good as Mina was she could also be vindictive, having the power to turn her enemies into stone. Then the sarcophagus was opened to reveal Mina's rotting mummified remains. She thought it was cool, while her brother thought it was gross.

Later that night at home, her dad was busy studying the hieroglyphics on the sarcophagus. Then she and her brother brought their dad his supper. Her dad excitingly told she and her brother that blood sacrifices were made for Mina to ensure her fruitful harvest. Also she and her brother were told by their dad that he has discovered that the legend of the Ring of Eternity was well known. But there is also the mention of an Elixir of Life: "The Elixir brings Life", "The Ring brings Eternity". Also her dad mentioned that there was a curse on it called: "The Guardian's Curse". Since the ancient people always threatened horrible death and torture to those who disturbed their tombs. Then her dad remembered that he forgot his extra set of photos at the Museum. So she and her brother went over to the museum to pick them up.

She and her brother go to the museum and find the pictures, and are about to leave. Then she and her brother make a small discovery inside the sarcophagus. a small side panel on the inside can slide off. Carefully looking inside of it she and her brother find two small artifacts: a small vial and a ring. She confirms the symbol is an Ankh, which means the symbol of life. She and her brother figured out that the items are the Elixir of Life and the Ring of Eternity. So she and her brother hurry home to show them to their dad. Suddenly her brother accidentally drops the vial near the mummy's hand. Then some of the liquid spilled out onto the mummies fingers. When they leave the room, she and her brother do not realize that Mina's mummified remains began to move. This indicated that the mummy has been reanimated and partly alive again.

On the way out, she remembers that they forgot the pictures. So they go back to the office to get them. When they get back they were scared to discover that the mummy was gone. When she and her brother get back home, She calls to their dad saying that they found the Ring of Eternity. They look around and see that their house has been robbed and ransacked. She and her brother were worried, since their dad was still home. So they run to his office to see if he's okay. Instead they find a note. The note explains that something came up at the last minute. So their dad had to head over to the museum. Then she and her brother could hear a thump and they suspected that someone or something was inside their house. After forcing the door shut, she told whoever it was to go away and to leave them alone. But it kept on banging on the door. Then she and her brother escaped through the office window and hurry over to the museum.

When arriving at the museum, she and her brother called for their but he doesn't answer. Suddenly She and her brother could hear whispering and mumbling. She and her brother become terrified to see the Mummy's hand coming through the door reaching for them and calling for them. So she and ran off terrified. She and her brother head downstairs to the basement to hide.

When arriving in the basement, she and her brother look for the fire exit. After finding the fire exit door, she and her brother are shocked to discover that the door has been locked. They turn around and once again hear the footsteps of someone approaching them. Then she realizes that the door to staircase back to upstairs has been locked and they're now trapped. Then can see a hand fall down from above her and she screams. Then she and her brother realize it was just their dad who has been knocked out cold.

Then they were about to leave. Then they are confronted by the person who has been following them. The person turns out just to be Dr. Capel-Smith. At first she and her brother were relieved to see him. Then it turned out that Dr. Capel-Smith has betrayed them and has ulterior motives. He tells her dad the she and her brother has something that he wants. Is is the Ring of Eternity. Which he has been after for sometime. He claims that his kids are smarter than him and they're the ones who found it. Also that he was the one who knocked him out cold. Because Dr. Capel-Smith knew that her dad wanted to do the right thing and return the items to the rightful place. Dr. Capel-Smith informed she and her family that he intendeds to use that ring for himself and become immortal. Also Dr. Capel-Smith informs she and her family that he has dosed many of the crates with kerosene. So if they don't hand the ring over, he would light the torch he's holding and then drop it. Then the museum would burn to the ground with them all inside.

Then she talked her brother into doing the right thing and reluctantly give Dr. Capel-Smith the ring, However Dr. Capel-Smith didn't want She and her family to leave. Dr. Capel-Smith informs them that he plans to light the torch and burn the place down with them inside. Since he cannot have the authorities after him for all of eternity. Then she asks him to show them if the ring at least works. So she watched him put the ring on his finger and at first he begun to glow in a pleasant blue aura. Then she and her family all shielded their eyes as Dr. Capel-Smith began to glow in a green aura, while no longer being able to move. Then Dr. Capel-Smith instantly turned into a solid rock Egyptian statue.

Her dad was shocked and amazed, and asked her how she knew that would happen. She says that the ring brings Eternity and the Elixir brings life. He didn't know they also had the elixir. Turns out there was a curse because Dr. Capel-Smith only used the ring. So Dr. Capel-Smith was granted eternity in the form of a stone statue. If Dr. Capel-Smith had poured some of the Elixir onto his finger before putting the ring on, then it would have worked properly.

Suddenly she and her family could hear the breathing and sounds coming from the reanimated mummy. Now she and her brother tell their dad that they forgot to mention that the mummy was missing. She and her family were terrified and backed away. Then her brother could see that the mummy was just reaching out for them, and not actually coming forward. So her brother approached the mummy and slowly placed the ring onto her rotting finger. The mummy glowed in a pleasant blue aura. Then she regenerated and revived coming back to life as a beautiful Egyptian queen.

She and her family slowly approached her and her dad returned the elixir to her. Her dad and Mina seem to immediately be attracted to each other. While she and her brother each wondered if she would like to join them skiing.


  • Cleo is short for Cleopatra which is also the name an ancient Egyptian Queen.
  • Vanessa King also portrayed Roxy Preston.

See Also[]
