Are You Afraid of the Dark Wiki

Younger Tucker

Tucker was an original member of the Midnight Society, founder of the new Midnight Society, and younger brother of Gary.


Tucker is first introduced in "The Tale of the Midnight Ride" as a potential member of the Midnight Society after Kristen and David left. It was said by Gary that he was told by his mom that he had to bring Tucker or had to quit the Midnight Society. After the original group disbanded, Tucker created his own Midnight Society consisting of his friends Andy, Megan, Quinn, and Vange. He explained to them the tradition was started back in 1937 when his Grandfather Gene organized the first Midnight Society in 1937. Also his granfather built the campfire pit, and built the storyteller's chair.


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Older Tucker

Tucker's stories tend to be about family relationships that are at first sour, but grow stronger in the face of adversity. Tucker's stories also have a tendency to have a character unintentionally release the villain(s).


  1. The Tale of the Midnight Ride
  2. The Tale of the Phone Police (On a phone)
  3. The Tale of the Guardian's Curse
  4. The Tale of the Water Demons
  5. The Tale of the Fire Ghost
  6. The Tale of Prisoners Past
  7. The Tale of the Manaha
  8. The Tale of the Forever Game
  9. The Tale of Jake the Snake
  10. The Tale of Oblivion
  11. The Tale of Bigfoot Ridge
  12. The Tale of the Time Trap
  13. The Tale of the Laser Maze